Product Review: The Beacon Barkery

Pet Product Review – The Beacon Barkery, Beacon New York

As you know from reading my blog, every weekend I like to escape the bustle of New York City and head somewhere a bit more simple. This week it was Beacon, New York. Beacon is a beautiful historic town on the Hudson River 1 hour + north of New York City. In Beacon you can go to the DIA Art Center to see famous works of 20th Century contmeporary art, and if your pet is with you, The Beacon Barkery.

I visit many pet stores and The Beacon Barkery stood out immediately. This small store is compact, but chock full of all the foods and treats you’ve wanted to try for your cat and your dog. Food is their forte, their selection is awesome and they have a home made dog treats bakery in the front of the store that you swear rivals the best gourmet human bakery.

becon barkery

Its a fun shop. Check it out. 192 Main Street, Beacon, New York 12508 845-440-7652

If you’ve got a pet product you think will pass the Secret Shopper test, send an email to

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