Product Review: Solid Gold Green Cow Tripe Canned Dog Food

Pet Product Review – Solid Gold Green Cow Tripe Canned Dog Food

If you’re like me, and the 80’s were your most formidable years, say Solid Gold. What immediately comes to mind?

solid gold dancers

It was a Saturday night ritual. You’d count down the top ten with Rick Dees or Dionne Warwick and vicariously watch your favorite dancer bust out the moves. Oh those were the days.

Now…. Solid Gold has taken on a different meaning; high quality all natural pet food. I’m always on the look out for premium all natural food that is enjoyably tasty. Since I’m one of the 1% of people who likes eating tripe, I thought, hey “let’s try it”. The Solid Gold Green Cow Tripe Canned Dog Food certainly had a distinctive aroma but the consistency was perfect to mix in with dry kibble. Well, my dog Champ really liked this product. He ate everything.

Green Cow Tripe

It’s important to me when Champ finishes his entire bowl. It makes me feel good. I also feel good when I buy a premium product at $2.59 per 13.2oz can that it is enjoyed while part of at least 2 meal servings. So I do recommend this product.

Since cans are heavy to carry around, I recommend ordering them online from an eRetailer like, or direct from the Solid Gold. When you order, ask them if there really are such creatures as green cows.

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