Diwali is an important celebration on the Hindu calendar. The five-day winter-autumn festival, frequently referred to as the Festival of Lights, falls between mid-October and mid-November. In 2019, it takes place from October 25th to 29th in many places.
In Nepal, the festival, called Tihar, celebrates the triumph of light over darkness and knowledge over ignorance. What’s unique is that Nepal dedicates the second day of these festivities–Kurkur Tihar–to celebration of the special relationship dogs have to humans.
According to Hindu tradition, the dog is a messenger, believed to guard the gates of the afterlife. So on that second festival day, all dogs get special recognition and honor.
How Dogs Are Honored During Diwali

The recognition starts with a garland of fresh flowers draped around every dog’s neck. This wreath, called a malla, is a mark of respect and dignity for the dogs, not only those with homes but strays, as well. It also symbolizes that prayers go with the wearer and proclaims their great importance.
On Kukur Tihar, celebrants apply red marks to dogs’ foreheads. Made from a paste of red dye powder mixed with rice and yogurt, this mark–the tika–is applied with a single stroke from the forehead upward from the eyes. It marks the dogs as devotees of the righteous path and objects of devotion.
The tika acts as a blessing to all who encounter the dogs and represents the dogs’ sacredness for all to see.
All of this honor and recognition is nice for the dogs, but the best part of the festivities, especially for the homeless, is the food offerings that are an important part of the celebration.
Those who take part in the festival put out food for the dogs, including sel roti–a deep fried confection similar to a donut often made with milk, eggs, meat, and high-quality dog food.
Dogs In Nepal

Denominations of Hinduism and Buddhism across the world participate in Kukur Tihar, but the festival’s origins are Nepalese. It’s a specific day to acknowledge the cherished relationship humans have with dogs, reserved to publicly celebrate human love and appreciation for these most loyal of companions.
There are many stray and homeless dogs in Nepal looking for forever homes. If you’re interested in adopting one, check out International Dog Adoption.
Do you celebrate Diwali with your dog? Are you happy to see people honoring the relationship between dogs and humans around the world? Let us know in the comments below!
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