Welcome to DogTime’s Blog Network FAQs page. You were directed to this page because you received our email invitation to join our blog network. DogTime Blog Network is a new offering from DogTime Media, the largest pet network on the Internet. DogTime Media consists of DogTime.com and 150 partner pet sites. This combined entity reaches more than 8.2 million pet lovers a month.
Q:What is DogTime Blog Network and Why Should I Join It?
The DogTime Blog Network is a collection of the best pet bloggers on the Internet. You’ve been selected because we think your blog is great and more people should read it. By joining our network, your blog will be featured on DogTime.com. This gives you a broader audience to talk about your passion–the pets in your life. Your blog will be included in DogTime.com’s Blog Network section (see sample DogTime Blog Network pages below).
Q:How do I join DogTime’s Blog Network?
Send us a response to our email telling us you want to become a part of the DogTime Blog Network. You’ll be asked for an RSS Feed URL. This is the address of your blog’s RSS feed.Your RSS feed URL allows your posts to appear within the DogTime Blog Network.
Q:What are the Terms of Agreement to join DogTime Blog Network?
By responding to the email and granting us permission to present your blog, your posts will be published on Dogtime.com where they will be subject to our standard website terms and conditions (click here to see terms). You can terminate this agreement at any time by sending us a written notice to blognetwork1@dogtime.com, with the subject header “Blog Agreement Termination, allowing us 30 days to comply.
Q: Your email mentioned I could have an opportunity to qualify to make advertising revenue. How do I qualify?
We have a number of advertising programs in development. To learn more about how to qualify for advertising programs, contact Soo Jin Oh at soojin@dogtime.com.
Q:Does DogTime Blog Network Violate Google’s or other Advertiser’s Terms Of Service?
No, RSS feeds do not include advertisements, so no TOS are violated.