March 13th is K-9 Veteran’s Day and just like on human Veteran’s Day we honor all who have served.
This amazing 501 C3 charity organization is called Argus Service Dog Foundation and the organization trains dogs for service men and women and then delivers the dog to the serviceman in need. Best of all, a lot of the dogs they train are rescue dogs. Their website says:
“Whenever possible we acquire and use rescue dogs. We are very open to donations of suitable dogs from private parties or breeders.
All our potential canine candidates must pass an evaluation screening. We are currently in need of dogs that are physically and psychologically sound, possessing no functional physical defects and a steady stable temperament, between 2 and 3 years of age. Social dogs that have been exposed to everyday situations and families are desired.”
Here is some video of Tyler and his service dog Apollo walking together.
I can’t think of a nobler life for any dog.
It costs money to train the dogs. On average they spend over $10,000 per dog to get them trained, equipped and delivered to the veteran who needs him, and being a nonprofit they rely on donations.
You can sponsor a dog or just follow them on social and share their mission. Everything helps.
If you know of a dog that would make a good candidate for this program, you can contact Argus Service Dogs Foundation.
You can “Like” them on Facebook, and follow them on Twitter.
Happy K-9 Veteran’s Day!