boarhound in lavender field, germany, front view
(Picture Credit: w-ings/Getty Images)

Can Dogs Eat Lavender? Is Lavender Safe For Dogs?

Can dogs eat lavender? You may be asking this because your pup ate some of this purple plant, and you want to know if they’ll be okay. Humans can eat lavender, so is it also safe for dogs to eat?

The short answer is no, lavender is not safe for dogs to eat. Lavender isn’t known to cause severe reactions in dogs, but it’s still best to avoid feeding your pup this plant.

Although lavender is not safe for dogs to consume, that doesn’t mean you should write off this plant altogether. There are other ways for your dog to reap the benefits of lavender that don’t involve ingesting this aromatic flower.

If your dog has eaten lavender, you should contact your veterinarian for guidance. Here’s why lavender isn’t safe for dogs to consume.

Why Is Lavender Bad For Dogs?

Lavender contains a compound called linalool that is not safe for dogs to ingest. If eaten in large quantities, linalool can cause poisoning in pups.

However, lavender contains such a small amount of this compound that dogs typically must ingest a large amount of the flower before they show any side effects. Some side effects of linalool poisoning in dogs are vomiting, constipation, and fever.

While your dog shouldn’t consume lavender, this plant can be applied topically in oil form or used as a fragrance to calm your pup’s anxiety. Many doggy wipes and ointments contain lavender. Additionally, lavender can be used to ward off fleas.

If you choose to use lavender as a topical spray or ointment for your pup, you should dilute the oil first. Lavender is extremely potent, so a little goes a long way.

What Should I Do If My Dog Ate Lavender?

12 years old girl playing with her labrador retriever in a lavender field at summer in Transylvania
(Picture Credit: Stefan Cristian Cioata/Getty Images)

If your dog has eaten lavender, you should contact your vet for assistance. Lavender poisoning is rare in dogs due to the low amounts of linalool in the flower. Your pup may exhibit some stomach upset that passes quickly.

Still, it’s best to let your vet know that your pup consumed lavender as soon as possible. Each dog is unique, so one pup’s reaction to eating lavender may be more intense than another.

Has your dog ever accidentally eaten lavender? Do you use it as a topical ointment or spray? Let us know in the comments!

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