Can dogs eat corn nuts? Maybe you’ve wondered if you could share some with your pup while popping super crunchy corn nuts into your mouth for a quick snack. If humans can eat corn nuts, can dogs safely eat them too?
There is no short yes or no answer to whether dogs can eat corn nuts safely. Technically, the corn that corn nuts are made from is not poisonous to dogs.
But the way that corn nuts are usually prepared means that they’re a fried food product that contains high amounts of sodium. Additionally, the crunchy nature of corn nuts makes them a potential choking hazard, especially for smaller pups.
As always, you must consult your veterinarian before sharing any human foods with your canine companion. Here’s what you need to know about corn nuts and dogs.
When Are Corn Nuts Okay For Dogs To Eat?
Corn itself can be safely fed to your dog. So if you can find a way to purchase or make corn nuts that do not contain any extra sodium or additional toppings, then you could think about letting your dog snack on some as a treat.
Better yet, if you can make corn nuts with an air fryer rather than deep frying them, you avoid adding extra fat to your dog’s diet.
When Are Corn Nuts Bad For Dogs?

As mentioned above, the main issue with serving corn nuts to your dog is the way that they are prepared. Corn nuts are usually deep fried, and they normally contain a lot of added salt.
Fatty foods are not healthy for your dog. Too many fatty foods can lead to canine obesity, along with increasing the chances of your dog developing pancreatitis.
When it comes to a dog consuming too much salt, this can increase the risk of high blood pressure and heart disease. Additionally, a food that contains as much salt as corn nuts poses a threat of salt poisoning for your dog, which can result in a range of issues from diarrhea and vomiting to seizures.
Beyond salt, corn nuts can also pose a choking hazard, especially to smaller dogs and younger pups.
So maybe keep corn nuts out of your canine’s snack repertoire. But feel free to consider adding plain corn to their diet under the guidance of your vet.
Has your dog ever tried to sneak in a bite of corn nuts? How did they feel afterwards? Let us know in the comments below!