Can dogs eat oysters? Maybe you’ve found yourself wondering if you could share some with your dog while shucking a plate of oysters for a briny feast. If humans can eat oysters, can dogs safely eat them too?
The short answer is yes, dogs can eat oysters. When it comes to nutritional benefits, oysters are a good source of protein. They also contain a bunch of minerals including zinc, selenium, and iron, plus Omega 3 fatty acids, which can help to boost your dog’s immune system and assist with any inflammation issues.
Just be sure to only serve cooked oysters to your dog.
As always, you must ask your regular vet before sharing any human food with your favorite canine, including shellfish. Here’s what you need to know about oysters and dogs.
How Are Oysters Good For Dogs?
Oysters pack a ton of nutritional benefits. They’re high in protein, which is an essential part of your dog’s daily dietary needs.
Oysters are a good source of Omega 3 fatty acids which can help out with any inflammation issues that your dog might be experiencing.
They also contain good amounts of selenium, zinc, and iron, which can improve the condition of your dog’s joints and immune system.
How Can I Safely Give Oysters To My Dog?

First of all, only serve cooked oysters to your dog. Raw oysters might not necessarily be toxic to your dog, but eating raw shellfish increases the chance that your dog will become sick from the presence of bacteria.
Additionally, read the label of any canned oysters closely to make sure that they do not contain a high amount of added sodium or potentially harmful preservatives.
When preparing oysters for your dog, always cook them plainly. Steam the oysters, and resist the temptation to add any extra spices or herbs to the pot.
Remove the oyster meat from the shells before allowing your dog to feast on them as the shells could become a choking hazard.
As a general rule, consider oysters as an occasional treat for your dog rather than an integral part of any daily meals. Your vet can help to formulate a precise guide to how many you can safely feed to your dog.
Have you adopted a dog who loves eating oysters? How do you like to serve oysters to your dog? Tell us all about it in the comments section below!