Can dogs eat Swiss cheese? Maybe you’ve thought about sharing some with your dog while adding slices of Swiss cheese to a classic lunch time sandwich. If humans can eat Swiss cheese, can dogs safely eat it too?
There is no short yes or no answer to whether dogs can eat Swiss cheese safely. It isn’t necessarily toxic to dogs — unlike blue cheeses which in general should be avoided. But even though Swiss is lower in lactose than some other types of cheese, it can still upset dogs who show signs of lactose intolerance.
Additionally, cheese in general should not be a main part of your dog’s diet due to its relatively high fat content.
As always, you must ask your regular vet before sharing any human food with your canine companion, including cheese. Here’s what you need to know about Swiss cheese and dogs.
When Is Swiss Cheese Okay For Dogs To Eat?
Swiss cheese is not a food that is toxic to dogs. In terms of nutritional benefits, it contains protein and provides a good amount of the vitamins A and B, plus calcium.
If served as a treat, Swiss cheese can also be a useful and effective way to administer medication and pills to your dog; although, it is not recommended for antibiotics. Consult with your veterinarian about the best ways to hide medication inside pieces of cheese.
When it comes to formulating a safe amount to feed to your dog, the answer will depend on a number of individual factors such as your dog’s age, weight, and general health. Your vet can help you to formulate safe Swiss cheese guidelines for your particular dog.
When Is Swiss Cheese Bad For Dogs?

Swiss might contain a lower level of lactose than some other cheeses, but it can still cause problems for dogs who show signs of any lactose intolerance.
Additionally, if you feed Swiss cheese to your dog and notice any toilet issues, it’s best to assume that Swiss cheese and your dog are not a good match.
While Swiss cheese can provide some positive health benefits to your dog, its fat content also means that too much could lead your dog down a path to canine obesity.
While Swiss cheese can be a fun occasional treat for your dog, it’s best to keep it on the menu only in moderation.
Does your dog love an occasional bite of Swiss cheese? Do you ever use it to hide your dog’s medicine? Tell us all about it in the comments section below!