While gooseberries aren’t terribly popular in the states, they are on the rise. This begs the question for us dog lovers — can dogs eat gooseberries? After all, they are prevalent all throughout Europe, so are they safe for our dogs?
Unfortunately, the short answer is no; while hard and fast facts on this fruit are hard to come by, the general consensus is that they are toxic to dogs. This makes sense, considering that they’re related to the grape. Anything related to grapes isn’t going near my dog.
When it comes to these fruits that haven’t undergone extensive study, staying on the side of caution is always the best option. You must also discuss them with your vet, as with any new food. Your vet may have dealt with a prior diagnosis of gooseberry-related poisoning.
Our steadfast recommendation when it comes to dogs is to steer clear of gooseberries with so little to go off of. Here’s what you should know.
Why Are Gooseberries Bad For Dogs?
In general, gooseberries have had a bad reputation in the states since the early 1900s.
Along with some varietals of currants, gooseberries were banned due to a believed fungal infection spread to crop and tree life. They’ve since been re-introduced in the states — back in the ’60s — and deemed safe for human consumption, but this isn’t the case for canines.
Gooseberries may be rich in antioxidants and vitamins, but they also contain glyoxylic acid. This is toxic to dogs in that it produces kidney stones. Furthermore, gooseberries reportedly often cause allergic reactions in dogs and other forms of animal life.
Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be a distinction between ripe and unripe gooseberries, either. Both can lead to harmful poisonings or allergic reactions, with unripe berries producing the worst effect.
What Should I Do If My Dog Ate A Gooseberry?

While current information indicates that the ingestion of gooseberries doesn’t typically prove fatal, there might be some long-term intestinal or digestion issues tied to it. Not all unhealthy things for our dogs have an immediate negative effect.
Sometimes the slow effects are even worse. We can create issues for our dogs down the line without even knowing it. We all want our companions to be around for as long as possible. With so many other healthy fruits available, it’s just not worth the risk.
With that being said, don’t intentionally feed gooseberries to your dog. Should they ingest a gooseberry on accident, seek emergency veterinary care.
Some advice includes quickly washing your dog’s mouth out with water while on the phone with the vet. This might help limit allergic reactions.
If you happen to live in an area where gooseberries grow, you should have a discussion with your veterinarian. See what they know about gooseberries, discuss symptoms, and have a plan in place in case ingestion occurs.
Do gooseberries grow near where you live? How do you make sure to keep your dog away from them? Let us know in the comments below.