(Picture Credit: Rushay Booysen / EyeEm/Getty Images)

Is Snoring A Bad Sign In Dogs?

Is snoring a bad sign in dogs? You might be wondering this as you hear your pup snoring in their bed fast asleep. And while snoring might be normal to some dogs due to their anatomy, such as brachycephalic (short-faced) breeds like Pugs and Bulldogs, it can be a warning sign for others that something isn’t right.

So should we be worried about our pups and snoring? The short answer is it depends. Though it might be normal for some dog breeds, it can be a concern for others and a warning sign that they might need a visit to their veterinarian to get checked.

Here’s what you should know about snoring in dogs.

Why Do Dogs Snore?

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(Picture Credit: Justin Paget/Getty Images)

The reasons humans might snore can be the same reasons dogs do, as well. A dog snoring can be caused by an obstruction of the nasal passage or nostrils that leads to airway constriction.

Another reason can be weight issues, more specifically, dogs being overweight. According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, more than half of all dogs are estimated to be overweight or obese.

Overweight dogs can have excess tissues in their neck and throat areas which can collapse around their esophagus as they sleep. This can induce snoring.

Allergens can also cause snoring in dogs. Your pooch can easily have an allergy around the house, ranging from dust and smoke to trees and weed pollens. Allergens can cause mucus buildup and postnasal drip, which then leads to heavy breathing and snoring while they sleep.

Secondhand smoke and being around tobacco products can also cause snoring in your dog. If you’re a heavy smoker or smoke in the home or around your pup, you could be a factor in their snoring issues.

When dogs breathe in smoke from tobacco products, it can damage their respiratory system and lead to issues such as asthma, bronchitis, and snoring.

The position in which your pup sleeps and their breed are also factors that go into their snoring.

How To Help Dogs Stop Snoring

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(Picture Credit: Jaromír Chalabala/Getty Images)

It’s best to make sure you consult with your dog’s veterinarian first to find out the best course of action when it comes to any sleeping issues your pup might have. Even so, there are still some ways to help your dog with their snoring problems.

If your dog’s snoring is caused by allergens, make sure to clean their bedding and blankets often. Time their walks for when pollen levels are lowest outside. Make sure to dust and vacuum the household.

An air humidifier can also help ease your dog’s snoring. Your dog might be left with a dry mouth and throat, as some dogs sleep with their mouths open. A humidifier can help keep moisture and prevent their throat flaps from touching and sticking together.

Using a circular dog bed or one that encourages them to sleep in a curled position can help prevent them from snoring at night. Curling up can open their air passages and alleviate pressure on the esophagus.

Does your dog snore when they’re asleep? Do you take steps to prevent snoring in your dog? Let us know in the comments below!

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