One-Eyed Puppy Adopted By Man Who Is Blind In One Eye

A photo posted by @shiner_solo on

Jordan Trent has been blind in one eye since the age of 15. So when his kids told him about a mini Australian Shepherd puppy who only had one eye, Jordan decided to pay the pooch a visit. The puppy was the last of his litter, but Jordan picked the little dog up and brought him home with the family.

A photo posted by @shiner_solo on

Jordan has a positive attitude about his condition. He keeps his sense of humor, telling jokes to people around him to make them more comfortable. He even goes by the name onei_jordan on Instagram. So if anyone knows how to keep a one-eyed puppy happy, it’s this guy.

A photo posted by @shiner_solo on

Jordan has since started an Instagram account for the puppy after his family named him Shiner Solo. Shiner even joined his dad as a pirate pooch for their Halloween costumes. The little dog already has over 8,000 followers, and we’re hoping to see plenty more pics as Shiner grows up!

What do you think? Are you looking forward to more pictures of Shiner? Do you find his story touching or inspiring? Let us know in the comments below!

January 2016

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