Nancy and Pumpkin from Jasper

Human: Nancy

Canine: Pumpkin

Location: Jasper

Type: Shetland Sheepdog

Our Story:
We met at Arby’s, about 11:30 pm.
Some friends and I had gone to see “The Grinch Who Stole Christmas” and were on our way home.
We were hungry and decided to stop by Arby’s to get a bite to eat, and at the entrance we saw her, limping, freezing and hungry. We went inside and asked if she belonged to anyone. The employees  said she had been there for quite some time, so when we left Arby’s, she came with us.
We got to my friend’s house, and took her inside.
She had limped her way to my husband, but, after she warmed up, the limp magically went away. She had a collar with a South Carolina address and phone number on it. We called and the elderly lady on the phone said that she had been missing for 2 years, and could we please give her a good home.
For the next couple of years, she stayed with my friend. Then, she decided they could no longer keep her, and asked if we still wanted her. Eagerly, we said yes.
She was my husband’s and my constant companion.
Sadly, her kidneys quit functioning, and before we knew it, it was too late to save her.
We agonized over the decision to let her go to the Rainbow Bridge, but knew it was the right thing to do.
She filled our lives with so much love that now we have a big dog family.

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