I saved you some room. You can sleep right below my feetzies. (Photo Credit: Pinterest via Buzzfeed.com) -
It's not my fault you got the small bed. (Photo Credit: Pinterest via Buzzfeed.com) -
I'm sorry, there's simply no more room. (Photo Credit: Pinterest Via multismile.com) -
Yep, the sofa works great too. (Photo Credit: Pinterest via barkpost.com) -
Are you sure you have enough room? (Photo Credit: Instagram alexandrahruz) -
So this is a bed. (Photo Credit: Instagram BonnieBrae71) -
There's always room for a dog. (Photo Credit: Instagram ashbcaudle) -
What are you talking about? There's plenty of room? (Photo Credit: Pinterest via Barkpost.com) -
I couldn't possibly move over. (Photo Credit: Instagram darbythedachshund) -
Angel! (Photo Credit: Instagram retrogurle) -
Single dog bed. (Photo Credit: Pinterest via barkpost.com) -
ZZZzzzZZZzzz (Photo Credit: Instagram tootie27) -
Snoozing Pug. (Photo Credit: pinterest via bahhumpug.tumblr.com) -
Victory! (Photo Credit: Pinterest via theIlovedogsite.com) -
These sheets are the perfect thread count. (Photo Credit: Instagram giuseppethedog) -
Sometimes I'm afraid to hang my paw off the bed. (Photo Credit: Pinterest via cutedogpix.com) -
Down comforters are the best. (Photo Credit: Instagram georgie_ando) -
The Sultan is resting now. (Photo Credit: Instagram 12packofdogs) -
Could you hand me the remote? (Photo Credit: Instagram jencassidyy) -
Let sleeping dogs lie. (Photo Credit: Pinterest Via Dogshaming.com) -
Does this comforter match my dog? (Photo Credit: Matthew Busic) -
Oh, nevermind. (Photo Credit: Instagram dinae01) -
Wake me when it's summer. (Photo Credit: Instagram nicshappy) -
I love sleeping to the delicious smell of feetz. (Photo Credit: Instagram tinacolada4u) -
Could you hit the light on your way out? (Photo Credit: Instagram buffygetz) -
Ever have one of those nights? (Photo Credit: Instagram stephtrudeau10) -
Protected! (Photo Credit: Instagram leneski) -
Can't wait till I grow up and get my own bed. (Photo Credit: Instagram kissmytiara04) -
Spooning. (Photo Credit: Instagram microcubozoa) -
That kibble party was off the hook! (Photo Credit: Instagram Isteinke) -
I'll keep an eye on the kid. (Photo Credit: Instagram corriegalli) -
I love streaming Netflix in bed. (Photo Credit: Instagram marioandtitan) -
Common law. (Photo Credit: Instagram ess_eh) -
Do these stripes make me look tired? (Photo Credit: Instagram amyzing81) -
As long as you stay on your side of the bed, it's fine. (Photo Credit: Instagram rkeel21) -
I always nap after a pillow fight! (Photo Credit: Instagram jenniferandjames2013) -
Inspected by #13. (Photo Credit: Instagram em_lo_jo) -
Yoga instructor. (Photo Credit: Instagram gingerlee1976)

Who says Cyber Monday is the only time to score big online? Amazon keeps their deals rolling for a good…