Heroic K-9 Secret Service dogs stop White House fence jumper

People are suggesting that Hurricane and Jordan, the Belgian Malinois dogs who captured the fence jumper who made it into the White House, be awarded a presidential medal.

Hurricane, a black six-year-old Secret Service dog, and Jordan, a five-year old black-and-tan Secret Service dog, fought with Dominic Adesanya, the man who police identified as the jumper.

Both canines were treated for minor bruises, and Adesanya, age 23, remains in police custody. The White House video shows the suspect kicking one of the dogs before the second one caught him:

The dogs are fine, and are ready to get back to work. Adesanya was charged with two counts of felony assault on the dogs, four counts of resisting/unlawful entry, a misdemeanor, and one count of making threats, which is also a felony. The count on assaulting a dog is the same as assaulting a police officer because Secret Service dogs are considered part of the team.

The Secret Service launched its canine unit in 1975. They employ Belgian Malinois because they are fast, sociable, and its short coat allows them to work well in warm climates. Before taking on a job, each dog in the Secret Service must complete 20 weeks of training.

Sources: ABC News, Fox News

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