Celebs endorse new dog food brand to benefit shelter dogs

Daytime talk show hosts Ellen DeGeneres and Rachael Ray have their own pet food brands. Crafty diva and show dog owner Martha Stewart has her own line of doggie fashions and grooming supplies. Heck, even 80s rocker Bret Michaels’s “Pet’s Rock Collection” is flying off the shelves at Petsmart stores nationwide.

Now a new and unusual crop of the rich and famous are throwing their names and reputations behind an emerging dog food brand — and for a great cause, too.

Dog for Dog founder Rocky Kanaka Keever wanted to create healthy dog food dogs would love while also helping as many dogs as possible at struggling animal shelters in the U.S. and beyond. According to the Dog for Dog website, Keever, who would hold pet adoption events at pet supply stores, was disheartened at the high euthanasia rates, and wanted to do something on a larger scale to reach as many homeless animals as possible.

“We believe all dogs deserve love and proper nutrition,” the Dog for Dog mission statement reads.

The company’s motto is simple — “You buy one. We give one.” For every bag of Dog for Dog food sold, the company will donate a second bag to a shelter in need, hopefully helping rescues all across the country feed the homeless animals in their care and, as a result, reduce euthanasia numbers.

Dog for Dog has recruited a handful of celebrity partners to endorse their products, including rapper Snoop Lion (formerly Snoop Dogg), comedienne and talk show host Chelsea Handler, and Canadian crooner Michael Bublé.

“I am passionate about helping dogs in need and that is why I buy Dog for Dog,” Bublé explains.

Handler, who adores her dog Chunk so much she’s created a Twitter feed for the fluffy mutt, is all over the web promoting the Dog for Dog cause.

“There are two kinds of people I don’t trust: people who collect sea shells and people who don’t help dogs in need,” Handler’s Dog for Dog endorsement reads on the company’s site.

“It’s a great cause,” Snoop says of the Dog for Dog mission. “Because what a lot of people don’t understand is a lot of these shelters execute these dogs, not because they don’t have a place or someone that wants to adopt them, it’s more that they don’t have food to feed them,” the rapper, actor, and youth football league director explains.

Snoop appeared on Handler’s E! Network talk show, Chelsea Lately last week, where the pair promoted Dog for Dog together and had a laugh with the audience.

“We worked hard to come up with this really great dog food called Dog for Dog, and then he changed his name to Lion and that doesn’t help [sell] the dog food,” Handler jokingly ribbed, scolding Snoop for deciding to change his name to his new ferocious feline moniker.

Dog for Dog carries more than just kibble; the charitable company also has plenty of snacks, treats, and, yes, even doggie peanut butter for Fido — and a shelter dog in need — to munch on.

To learn more about the Dog for Dog movement, check out the company’s Facebook page or Twitter feed. If you’d like to find out where you can purchase Dog for Dog products, take a look at the Dog for Dog location search tool on the company’s site.

Sources: Ecorazzi.com, DogforDog.com

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