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Epilepsy is a disease characterized by an abnormality of electrical impulses in the brain. These impulses cause the dog’s muscles…

Diabetes mellitus is a disease which affects the production of insulin. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas and…

Do you have problems with your dog getting on the couch…then refusing to get off? Does he ignore you when…

Everyone feels bloated at times, and nobody enjoys it. Just like humans, dogs can become bloated for a variety of…

Question: What is animal communication? Answer: Animal communication is the art of speaking to animals intuitively, otherwise known as telepathic…
Human: BETTY CROSBY Canine: DAISY Location: Ridgeville, South Carloina Type: Mutt Our Story: I live in a rural area outside…

Question: What are foxtails and why is everyone telling my dog and me to watch out for them? Answer: The…

The average two-year-old knows about 300 words. The average dog knows between 10 and 20 words, but can usually run…

Guide to socializing and handling your dog

Four-on-the-floor interviews

Forty two percent of dog owners share their bed with their pooch, according to a recent survey. No word on…
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