Sweet Daffodil Gets The Life She Deserves Daffodil was born without front legs and abandoned in an old cardboard box. Several people walked past the box, one…
German Shepherd Abandoned: Amazing Dramatic Desert Rescue With temperatures over 100 degrees and another freezing night on the horizon, desperate times were calling for desperate measures.
George Clooney Adopts A Dog Nobody Wanted They could have any dog in the world but they chose to adopt a dog who was crippled and could…
Euthanasia In New York Shelters Drops 36% and Adoptions Are Up 17% In 2013 New York City shelters euthanized more than 50% of the animals brought in. Last year they euthanized 15%…
Adopted Dog Skips And Jumps Happily Out Of Shelter [VIDEO] Benny seems very apprehensive when a shelter worker comes to collect him.
Rescuers Couldn’t Tell His Front From His Back [VIDEO] Staff workers are hoping this story gets shared and that it deters unwanted pet owners from abandoning their animals in…
A Loving Tribute Dedicated To Foster Parents A beautiful video that really captures the heart of the doggie foster parent.
Street Dog Suffering From Huge Abscess Saved [WARNING: GRAPHIC VIDEO] If you are the kind of person who likes watching medical shows and procedures, you'll love this video. If the…
Kalu: The Dog Who Grew A New Face [WARNING: GRAPHIC] Just try to get through the first images of the dog and what you will see is a miracle happening…
3 Sister Pups Rescued From Freezing Mountain [VIDEO] 3 female puppies (sisters) were stranded at over 7,ooo feet in the freezing mountains of Wrightwood, California. Someone needed to…
Dog Hit By A Car Then Abandoned By Family Looking For Home This cutie was found unconscious after being hit by a car. Aside from a few scrapes and being a little…