One of our favorite animal rescues, Fur Angels Animal Sanctuary (FAAS), distinguishes itself among other rescues by specializing in animals that are harder to place, such as those with special needs or seniors. When FAAS reached out with a sweet foster story about a dog in need, I knew right away that I wanted to tell our reader’s all about her!
Harley is a two-year-old female American Bulldog, who, even as a young dog, has been overbred. When she was surrendered, Fur Angels Animal Sanctuary was surprised to discover she needed two Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy (TPLO) surgeries, and she was also showing signs of hip dysplasia.
Harley needs help. Luckily, FAAS and Harley’s foster mom, Christine, are giving her plenty of care, but they need as much assistance as they can get. That’s where you come in!
What Kind Of Surgery Does Harley Need?
According to VCA Hospitals, TPLO surgery is used as a correction when a dog tears their CCL, the canine equivalent to humans’ ACL. When the CCL is torn, the shin bone slides forward in front of the thigh bone, causing pain and inability to walk normally.
Over time, if untreated, this injury can damage the nearby cartilage and bones, eventually leading to osteoarthritis (OA). If done soon enough, the surgery can prevent, or at least reduce, permanent joint damage and pain.
Recovery is remarkably quick; within the first 24 hours, about 50 percent of dogs begin walking on the post-operative leg. Within six months, most dogs do not show a noticeable limp or different gait.
Unfortunately, the surgery is expensive at $2,844.63 per leg, which is hard on a small rescue like FAAS. Harley has had one surgery so far, but she still needs one on her other leg. FAAS is sharing Harley’s story in the hopes that fans of hers will donate to pay for her surgery, which will drastically improve her quality of life, as the first one already has.
I had a chat with Harley’s foster mom, Christine, to find out more about Harley and her special needs.
Meet Harley’s Foster Mom, Christine

AMANDA: Christine, thank you so much for taking the time to share your and Harley’s story, and thank you for fostering!
CHRISTINE: You’re very welcome! My pleasure!
AMANDA: What made you decide to be a foster parent? Is Harley your first foster pet?
CHRISTINE: I have always had a deep love of all animals. When I got married, I talked my husband into our adopting a dog. I spoke with the foster at the time about what was involved, and I felt it was my calling to help animals that needed a voice. I especially have a fondness for the Bully breeds and try to educate those that are ill-informed or uneducated about them.
AMANDA: That’s wonderful you do that; thank you! Is Harley your first foster pet with special needs?
CHRISTINE: Harley is my first foster with health challenges to the extent that she has.
AMANDA: What did you think when you learned about Harley?
CHRISTINE: When I first learned about Harley, I didn’t know she had ACL issues. I honestly think that her original owner knew and didn’t want to deal with, nor pay for, her surgery. Unfortunately, ACL/CCL issues and hip dysplasia are common problems in the American Bulldog breed.
AMANDA: That is so sad. Lucky for Harley, you wanted to foster her and Fur Angels wants to get her corrective surgeries done.
CHRISTINE: Yes–thank you!
Life With Harley

AMANDA: What has it been like to foster Harley?
CHRISTINE: She is an absolute joy! She gets along with my two other dogs, especially Bailey! They play non-stop together. She wants to play with the cats too, but they aren’t as excited about that as she is!
AMANDA: Haha, that’s precious! What is Harley’s personality like?
CHRISTINE: Harley is such a clown! Very easygoing, and just a silly girl! She’s housebroken, and she brings us smiles and giggles every day.
AMANDA: So sweet. She clearly adores you all and is a loving girl. Have you had to adapt your home environment to help with Harley’s special needs?
CHRISTINE: No changes or adaptations were needed for Harley. The only thing was having to keep her crated 23 hours a day after her surgery to help with the healing, which broke my heart.
AMANDA: Aww, I’m sure. Do you have to exercise or play differently with her than a dog without these challenges?
CHRISTINE: I’ve only had to watch her and my other dogs closer, to make sure she doesn’t injure her leg that had surgery.
AMANDA: Wow, that’s a lot lower maintenance than I’d guess for such major surgery! I’m glad to hear it was pretty straightforward.
Harley’s Future With A Perfect Forever Family

AMANDA: What do you think the best kind of home would be for Harley?
CHRISTINE: Definitely a home with another dog that will play with her, along with kids and adults that can handle playing with a 100-pound dog! There’s a lot to love about this breed, and someone who loves the American Bulldog breed will take a special shine to her.
AMANDA: That sounds great! How do you think Harley’s life will change after her surgeries?
CHRISTINE: My hope is she will be much more comfortable and able to get around a lot better.
AMANDA: I hope so, too! What would you like other people to know about fostering in general?
CHRISTINE: Fostering any type of animal is so very rewarding. Fosters are the bridge from the past (whether good or bad experience). We help socialize them and show them love, and we help to match them with a new furever home. I tend to “stalk” my adopters, to make sure the transitions are positive, answer any questions, and help the animals and families learn how to get comfortable with each other.
AMANDA: What would you like other people to know about fostering dogs with special needs?
CHRISTINE: You must be a strong person, mentally and physically, and understand that this is a commitment not to be taken lightly. It is so very rewarding, but you must be willing and able to devote the time and dedication to the situation.
AMANDA: That’s good advice.
You Can Help Harley, Too!
AMANDA: How can our readers help Harley?
CHRISTINE: Our rescue, Fur Angels Animal Sanctuary, is collecting donations to help pay for Harley’s ACL surgeries. You can visit our Donations Page or email furangelsanimalsanctuary@gmail.com.
Also, if your readers or anyone they know are looking to adopt an amazing, adorable, silly American Bulldog, please contact us on our website or at the email address above.
Additionally, you can donate automatically through each Amazon purchase (at no cost to you) by using the link smile.amazon.com and selecting “Fur Angels Animal Sanctuary” as the charity Amazon will donate to.
Another easy way is by downloading either the app WoofTrax or ResQWalk and selecting our rescue as the automatic beneficiary of the apps’ donations to us, based on your steps — again, at no cost to you!
AMANDA: Great tips; I’m going to do that right now! Anything else you’d like us to know?
CHRISTINE: Fostering, or even just volunteering, with rescue groups is such a rewarding experience that I highly recommend!
AMANDA: Fur Angels — and Harley — are lucky to have such a kind and enthusiastic fosterer in you! Thank you so much for your time and for all you do to help animals!
CHRISTINE: You’re welcome, and thank you!
Keep Up With Harley & Fur Angels Animal Sactuary
For more information on Fur Angels Animal Sanctuary, donating to or adopting Harley — or becoming a foster parent yourself — please visit their website.
To follow them on social media, please visit their Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or YouTube pages.
Would you foster a dog like Harley? Will you help spread the word to raise money for her surgery? Let us know in the comments below!