We’ve seen this story over and over again. Cops shooting family dogs seems to be a common occurrence these days. It’s heartbreaking every single time so why does it continue to happen?
It was Eli Malone’s 5th birthday party when a police officer named Josh Franklin showed up and shot and killed the dog with an AR-15. An event that will haunt this boy and his family for the rest of their lives.

According to lifewithdogs.com, “The “blank-faced” cop could hear “every one of these kids screaming and crying” as he shot Opie again.”
Franklin says the dog, named Opie, tried to attack him and his superiors back him up on this murder of a beloved family pet. No charges are to be filed. No punishment. No reprimand. Just a typical day for this police officer and department I guess.
The dog was inside a fenced yard, the dog cannot jump the fence, the gates were tied shut with wire and string. There’s no way the dog could have gotten out, yet there he lay, dead in the front yard, for no reason. Shot dead by a man who was safe on the other side of a fence.
The police say they were serving a warrant for a man on a 10 year old case. The man named ‘shon McNiel’ hasn’t lived in the house for many years. The Malones have lived in the house for a year and the police officer that shot their dog knew that. According to the family, Officer Franklin had been to the house twice and seen Opie, so he knew Opie was there too. The family doesn’t even know anyone named ‘Shon McNiel’.
Can you imagine shooting an AR-15 in the yard of a home celebrating a child’s 5th birthday party? What if a bullet had bounced off of a rock and entered the home? This seems like an obviously irresponsible act on the part of police who should face charges and be held accountable for their crimes.
Please let the Wynnewood Police Department know how you feel about this and that you want this officer prosecuted. You can send letters to 117 E Robert S Kerr Blvd, Wynnewood, OK 73098 or call them at (405) 665-4360. Demand justice for Opie and let police officers know that they cannot just shoot and kill our dogs for no reason.
You can read more on LifeWithDogs.com