Pet love and togetherness concepts. Boy's hand touching the dog's white paw. Green grass in the background. Horizontal close-up.
(Stock Picture Credit: Toli/Getty Images)

Neighborhood’s Pandemic Comfort Dog Gets Viral Outpouring Of Support Following Cancer Diagnosis

Over the course of a week, Sparkle, a Corgi mix from Somerville, Massachusetts, has inspired the whole of the internet following her unfortunate cancer diagnosis.

After providing comfort and love to her neighbors throughout the COVID pandemic, the community is returning the favor.

And it’s not just her neighbors coming by for a visit any more. Sparkle’s story spread quickly around the world, and she’s getting an outpouring of support from those who’ve been touched by her love and kindness.

Sparkle Helps Her Community Through The Pandemic

Within the city of Somerville, Sparkle was already a superstar, long before going viral.

For years, Sparkle, now eleven years old, has been hanging out, greeting people passing on walks from her spot on the walkway leading up to her house. Melora Rush, Sparkle’s mom, eventually put out signs to greet those curious about giving Sparkle a pet.

“My name is Sparkle,” the sign says. “I LOVE to be outside and meet people, all year!”

Throughout the COVID pandemic, Sparkle’s sweet and generous nature became critical for her community. Folks from all over the neighborhood stopped by regularly to receive much-needed cuddles during a difficult time.

“People would stop and say how grateful they were that she was outside and that she was such a comfort because they felt so alone and isolated,” Rush told The Boston Globe.

In order to keep Sparkle safe, as well as herself, Rush added to the sign. She asked for anyone visiting to please use hand sanitizer, which she provided by the sign, before and after pets.

Unfortunately, Rush would have to make yet another addition to her welcoming signs.

Sparkle’s Cancer Diagnosis

While out for a walk, a local photographer and fan of Sparkle, Eric Magnussen, stopped by to visit with her on November 9th, 2021. Shortly after, he posted to his Twitter the photos taken, which included an addition to Sparkle’s sign.

Next to her introductory sign, the new one asks for “extra love” to be shown to Sparkle. It further explains that she has been diagnosed with incurable jaw cancer, leaving her snout sore and swollen.

Rush heartbreakingly included that Sparkle “has given joy and comfort to many in the neighborhood. We hope she will continue to be with us for several more months, but we cannot know. If you see her outside, please continue to love her (gently).”

She had no idea what was coming for the dog affectionately dubbed the “Mayor of Somerville.”

Sparkle Goes Viral

Since Magnussen’s tweet, liked over 225,000 times, Sparkle has become an internet sensation — one of the few who is particularly worthy of such a status.

“It’s been crazy,” said Rush. “I’m like, ‘National? Really?’ People have been contacting me from all over the place.”

That “extra love” has been coming from sympathetic dog lovers, far and wide, as well as national news publications. And, of course, those from her community, affected directly by Sparkle in their times of need, have been sharing memories, as well.

Bridget Copes, a former neighbor of Sparkle’s, told Boston News 7, “I cried at work because Sparkle was just such an important part of my time when I was living in this neighborhood… just coming by when I was sad or feeling isolated during the pandemic,” Copes said.

By the end of the weekend, Sparkle had a line outside of fans from nearby cities, photographers, and neighbors, all eager to show her the love. Some have even left notes, gifts, and treats.

Show Your Love For Sparkle

(Stock Picture Credit: Toli/Getty Images)

In order to meet the demand for updates on Sparkle’s cancer diagnosis, Rush has started both a Twitter, @MayorSparkle, and an Instagram account, @sparklemayorofsomerville.

If you’re lucky enough to live nearby, please go give your love directly, and receive her kind and gracious nature in return.

How does this outpouring of love after Sparkle’s cancer diagnosis make you feel? Are you glad to see her getting so much support after helping her community through the pandemic? Let us know in the comments below.

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