Children’s Books from Macmillan Children’s Publishing Group


Macmillan Children

Suriya & Roscoe

Roscoe & Suryia: The True Story of an Unlikely Friendship

This is a hilariously cute book written by Dr. Bhagavan Antle with Thea Feldman.Thetrue story of an unlikely friendship between an orangutan and a dog had my children giggling from beginning to end.

Suryia, the orangutan has quite the personality! He lives on a Wildlife Preserve in South Carolina named T.I.G.E.R.S (The Institute for Greatly Endangered and Rare Species).The Preserve is hometo everything from birds to Ligers and otherbig cats to primates, bears and many others One day while walking down to the river to cool off with his other best buddy, an elephant named Bubbles, he spotted a stray dog. He jumped down from Bubbles’ back, ran up to the dog and……hugged him, of course. Those working at T.I.G.E.R.S tried, with no avail, to find the dogs owner. From then on,he was known as Roscoe and the rest is history.

My children adore this book and have since the first time I read it to them. They love not only the fact that it is a true story, but they love the silly pictures in it as well. Roscoe and Suryia can be purchased off the Macmillan’s Children’s Publishing website for $16.99.

Meet the Dogs of Bedlam Farm

Meet the Dogs of Bedlam Farm

This is author Jon Katz’s first children’s book, although you would never know it. A true story about all the dogs he has on his farm and the different jobs they do. He tells the individual adventures of Izzie, Lenore, Rose and Frieda, how they came to the farm and the important roles they now play.

The first thing I noticed about the book was the photography, the pictures are beautiful. Come to find out the author is also a photographer! This touching story captivated my little ones. They hadn’t realized before that some dogs actually have a job to do. Yes, they get up and go to work, just like people. They found that really cool and now try to come up with a job for our dog to do.

Meet the Dogs of Bedlam Farm can be purchased off the Macmillan’s Children’s Publishing website for $16.99.

Carl and the Puppies

Carl and the Puppies

Alexandra Day, the author of this book, does a great job intertwining an adorablestory with age appropriate words. Carl and the Puppies is a My Readers level 1 book, which means it is appropriatefor the 4-6 year age group.

It was a little bit to advance for my son, who just turned 4. Although, he did enjoy pointing out different letters and creating his own story using the pictures. It was perfect for my 6 year old neighbor who has now read this book to my children several times.

Carl and the Puppies is one book, in a series of 12 about Carl the dog. In this particular book he plays a “puppysitter” for a tired Mommy dog. It can be purchased off the Macmillan’s Children’s Publishing website for $3.99 in paperback or $15.99 in hardcover.

My kids reading Meet the Dogs of Bedlam Farm

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