(Picture Credit: Amanda)

DogTime Review: Do ‘Yummy Combs’ Chew Treats Taste Good AND Help Your Dog’s Dental Health?

laser focus
(Picture Credit: Amanda)

During this increased time at home, many of us have fallen into less healthy snack routines–dogs and humans alike. As a dog parent, I’m always looking for that perfect blend of treats that give my dog both a tasty reward and plenty of nutrients.

When I heard about Yummy Combs, which claim to have that ideal combination along with a design to promote dental health, I was excited for my dog, Leia, to try them. My excitement was nothing compared to Leia’s as soon as she smelled them!

Here’s what happened when we tried Yummy Combs doggy dental chew treats!

A Little Background About Yummy Combs

yummycombs package
(Picture Credit: Amanda)

These chicken-based treats, made in the USA, are full of vitamins and flavors. They are at least 44 percent protein, with twelve “wellness supplements.”

I was surprised to find the creators of these chew treats created the very popular Greenies dental treats, too. They also founded Roetheli Lil’ Red Foundation, a 501(c)(3) charitable entity “focusing on Third World Assistance, pet therapy, entrepreneurship, and inspiration.”

Their development team includes experts in veterinary medicine, biochemistry, physiology, and more.

I always like knowing where my products come from and where the money goes. When choosing between products, I often choose the one that’s connected to a charity of some sort if possible.

The Perfect Fit

leia tries yummycombs
(Picture Credit: Amanda)

I’ve been increasingly mindful of Leia’s dental health as she’s gotten older. Sadly, as is common with many aging small dogs, she’s had to have quite a few teeth extracted.

Chew toys that claim to scrape off plaque are appealing, but I’m also nervous to try them, as I don’t want to give Leia something that may be too hard for her teeth or the wrong size for her little mouth.

One thing I love about Yummy Combs treats is that they come in five different sizes, designed to fit your dog’s mouth. As usual, Leia was in the smallest category, “extra small,” for dogs five and a half to twelve pounds. Leia is six pounds.

Because I had the option to choose the appropriate treat size, I didn’t have to worry about Leia not being able to fit her mouth around them or accidentally hurting herself by trying to bite something too big for her jaw or teeth.

A Picky Pup Gets A Health Incentive

"I'm busy, Mom; can you come back later, please?"
(Picture Credit: Amanda)

The “chew treat” combination was much more effective for my picky pup than a chew toy alone; she usually pays toys no attention.

Leia has some very non-dog tendencies. She can be picky with treats, too. However, the healthy, delicious blend of flavors and nutrients was of the highest interest to Leia. She barely let me take a photo of the package without jumping up to snatch it–she could smell the treats through the foil!

Leia devoured these treats as quickly as she could, which really wasn’t very quick at all. It took Leia eight minutes to eat one at full voracious speed, allowing for lots of time for the hard honeycomb design to scrape away at her teeth.

As she broke the treat down, it stayed in one safe piece, with dissolving, soft edges; no worry about choking or scrapes. The slowly dissolving design is perfect. It holds up well enough to do its work for dental health without being extremely hard or sharp.

The sound of Leia eating this treat was softer than chewing on something very hard, like an ice cube, but not crunching quickly, like her usual dog food. It really sounded like she was working on a chew toy, but I could see it dissolving.

I was really happy she was so motivated to work on cleaning her teeth while slowly ingesting healthy ingredients at the same time.

How Do They Work?

leia enjoying her chews
(Picture Credit: Amanda)

The honeycomb “holes” are supposed to surround your dog’s teeth, while the higher edges around the hexagonal indentations are supposed to massage your dog’s gums and scrape plaque between and around the teeth.

It definitely seemed to do the trick, as I watched Leia working the honeycomb shape around and around in her mouth. I think it worked well for her, despite her missing some teeth, because she didn’t just keep it in one spot. She chewed it from all angles of her mouth.

The only thing I wasn’t sure about was that the indentations didn’t seem deep enough to reach plaque down near her gums. However, I think the fact that it’s a chew treat, rather than a chew toy, means that the depth of the holes needs to be limited for safety reasons.

Also, like human teeth, dog teeth are different sizes from each other. So perhaps the indentations were designed for the smallest of the teeth.

These treats also made my ears happy, as it didn’t sound like Leia was chewing on something super hard, like ice. I was happy with what the chew treat did and how much Leia loved it.

It’s important to note, as does the product’s website, that these chew treats are meant to be supplemental treats. They’re not a substitute for brushing your dog’s teeth or using a vet-approved water additive, like we do for Leia, nor are they a substitute for a healthy regular diet.

Leia has not had any adverse effects from these treats, which I’ve fed her multiple times. Both of us wanted to be thorough about testing, though perhaps for different reasons.

Although we keep our dog on a pretty strict diet, these treats didn’t upset her stomach. She also hasn’t loosened any teeth or scraped her gums, as far as I can tell.

This Dog Mom’s Verdict?

I would definitely get Yummy Combs again, and I think Leia might be mad at me if I didn’t!

I feel good about these treats and am always happy with anything that might improve my pup’s dental health. I’d recommend them for any dog who needs a yummy snack that can help keep their teeth and gums in shape between doggy dentist visits.

You can find out where to get Yummy Combs here!

Has your dog ever tried a great dental treat? Which one is your pup’s favorite? Let us know in the comments below!

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