Dog lovers worldwide unite to help boy with cancer

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Anthony Lyons is a 16-year-old battling leukemia who loves dogs. A good friend of his posted a plea on Facebook asking readers to share photos of their dogs because seeing dogs makes Anthony happy.

The Arizona teenager’s Facebook page, “Photo Doggies for Anthony” has more than 800,000 photos of dogs on it.

The friend, Roberta Lucero-Koron, who started the page, writes, “Hi all, my friend Kristen Lyons has her son Anthony at Phoenix Children’s Hospital. Some days he gets doggy visits and some he does not. They make him smile. I thought if I create this event, you can post a picture of your dog to help make him smile. His mom shows them to him and he smiles.”

The Facebook page went viral. Lucero-Koron thought friends and family would respond. They did — and so did thousands of people around the world. Anthony and his family were so touched they responded by writing, “I also want to thank each and every one of you for sending your doggie and occasional kitty pictures. We have laughed, oohed and ahhed at every single photo and video so far it has really been a joy and I appreciate everyone sharing their pets with us, and he personal messages to Anthony are truly awesome.”

Anthony recently went through another bout of chemotherapy. This time, Lucero-Koron asked for more photos and prayers. “Anthony is smiling joyfully because of YOU,” wrote Lucero-Koron on the Facebook page.

To add photos of your dogs (and cats), visit “Photo Doggies for Anthony” on Facebook.

Sources:Today Pets, Photo Doggies for Anthony

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