The Most Amazing Dog Videos of the Week 2-20-23 Who let the dogs out? It’s a question older than time itself. More importantly, who let the dogs out on…
Historical Hounds: Bud The Pit Bull Joined The First US Cross-Country Road Trip Ever In 1903 Do you know about the first dog to ever ride across the country and experience the United States from a car…
Celeb Pets: Amal & George Clooney Adopt A Shelter Dog Into Their Family Celebrity couple Amal and George Clooney adopted a Basset Hound named Millie who was found begging for scraps on the…
Doggone News Roundup: Allergic To Humans, North Korea Hates Dog Parties, Explosive Sniffing Dog And More… The week's biggest dog news stories scooped up into one newsie poopie bag for you to enjoy! Get out the…