golden retriever leaving doggy daycare on leash
(Photo Credit: Pekic / Getty Images)

Dog Parents Pick Up Wrong Golden Retriever From Doggy Daycare

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Dog parents make mistakes. We get it. It happens to the best of us. But a pair of dog parents in Burke, Virginia, experienced a “whoops” of epic proportions when they picked up the wrong Golden Retriever from doggy daycare.

Dog parents notice changes in pup

According to Fox 5 DC, Kebby Kelley and her husband, Joe Kelley, are the parents of a 1 ½-year-old Golden Retriever, Ehmi (pronounced “Emmy”). The pup attends Affectionate Pet Care in Fairfax, Virginia. She loves the facility and is so eager to attend daycare, she drags her parents through the door every time.

But recently, the couple changed their routine – with disastrous results. They decided to add grooming to their usual daycare service. Then, they asked their son to pick up Ehmi.

Later, when the dog came home, they sensed something was off. They figured it was due to the new haircut. But soon, signs started adding up. The family cats attacked the dog. Then, the dog ignored a favorite neighbor while out on a walk. Also, the dog licked and nibbled Joe’s face, something Ehmi would never do. Finally, the couple’s canine was suddenly anxious and panting a lot. The dog’s trainer noticed a change in the pup’s behavior as well.

Kebby wondered if the dog was sick or if something happened at daycare. She took the dog to an emergency vet. A scan of the dog’s microchip finally made sense of the situation.

Microchip solves doggy daycare mystery

At the vet’s office, the Kelleys realized the dog was not Ehmi. Instead, it was her daycare “twin,” Maddy.

“We just never even thought that that would happen,” Kebby said.

According to FOX 5 DC, the Kelleys “are not upset” with Affectionate Pet Care. In fact, they’re grateful for the doggy daycare’s rapid response to the ordeal. Both dogs promptly reunited with their proper parents.

However, “from now on, like before we pick her up, we’re checking her tongue,” Kebby said. “We’re making sure that birthmark is there because believe it or not, it wasn’t that hard — that’s why we can’t be too upset with the daycare center. They look so much alike! It’s really difficult.”

Kebby also had advice for other dog parents: “I will tell everybody that loves their pet, chip your pet.”

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